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About Apex Global

On Saturday 15th March 2008 another watershed chapter in Apex History was created.

At a Café at the Ibis Hotel in Wollongong, Australia, the heads (or their representatives)

of the Apex Associations of the World came together and agreed to form a new Apex alliance. Apex Global was born. Many might remember an older international entity called Apex International – it was tried and failed – purely because of the problems that all humanity has – politics and money. That there were current Apexians in Australia and beyond who strongly believed in the importance of our International Relations and the need for a united Apex is testament to the current breed of Apex leaders who had the ability to see the bigger picture.


Apex Global has eradicated politics and money from the principles and now exists as an entity that relies on each other for support without politics or money (fees) to influence decisions.

Apex Associations – Australia, Bangladesh, Malaysia, India, Fiji, Singapore and Philippines have all agreed to the formation, growth and development of Apex in the Asia Pacific region and beyond. In 2016 National Convention Two Country Add in this Association. They are Sri Lanka and Indonesia. As a united group or entity we have a far greater ability to create awareness and expansion in our region. Each Association remains a

stand-alone single unit, whilst being a member partner of a wider Apex family.

The idea for the formation of Apex Global stemmed from an Apex Associations meeting in Malacca, Malaysia in 2006. At that meeting it was agreed by all present (Apex Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Bangladesh and Philippines) that a united Apex entity was needed. Past Apex Australia National President Bryan Whitehorn (who was ASPAC Chairman at the time) was chartered the responsibility of researching, developing and if possible implementing the Memorandum of Understanding for Apex Global.


The formation of Apex Global is something that occurred to better the Apex family. It was not formed to take the place of the individual Apex Associations. All Associations at the meeting in March had their say about what needed to occur to build the idea of Apex Global. It was clearly understood that this was NOT Apex International reinvented. Apex International failed because of politics and because of the reliance of most Associations on Apex Australia to fund the entity. This created an imbalance that could never survive.
By creating an entity that does not rely on money or politics- it gives a greater opportunity for growth and development.

Apex Global will allow the various Apex Associations to sit as equals around a table twice a year and to plan as equals for the development of Apex in our region. It will ensure that each Association has a fair say. Each Association will be able to give ideas to follow up on and promote projects that all of the Associations can become involved in.

These are all questions that will be addressed, asked and hopefully answered by the new Apex Global entity where all ideas will be tabled – and hopefully, a new course chartered and steered.

It will be up to the new Apex Global Group Committee to take this new Apex entity and work it towards what we want to achieve. There is still much to be done – but this new united entity gives hope for a promising future.

Apex together building stronger Global Communities

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APXN. Dennis Guevara

Global Chairman


APXN. JS Sandhu

Global Vice Chairman


APXN. Wennie Illenberger

Global Secretary

Apex Global Directors

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APXN. Simon Grant

National President 



National President 


APXN. N. Kanagarajah

National President

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APXN. James Lim

National President 


APXN. Arwyne Macaisa

National President 


APXN. Shyamal Karak

National President



National President 



National President 
Sri Lanka

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